The morning of my birthday on July 6th my fiancé gave me the best gift ever! A Vitamix!
I had been waiting to purchase a Vitamix for what seemed like forever but I was always hesitant because of the amount of money that I would have to drop to purchase one - It was a serious investment. I was so shocked, excited and full of happiness when he gave it to me that I actually cried! It was such a sweet gift and so thoughtful of him to buy it for me on my special day. Not only was I the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing guy in my life but I was now the luckiest girl in the world with a Vitamix!
In a super short time my Vitamix and I became BFF's as we concocted all sorts of different smoothies and recipes. I was in health heaven!
On July 22nd, only 16 days after my birthday I was blending ingredients for a batch of Date Squares that I was making and my Vitamix broke! There I was minding my own business as happy as can be and smoke started coming out of my machine!
The next day I called Bed Bath and Beyond where it was purchased, advised them that we had misplaced the receipt and told them what had happened. They had no concerns at all and told me to stop by with the blender. Fortunately I still had the box which made matters much easier given that I couldn't find the receipt (which I ended up finding when I came back home!).
When I went into BB&B I found out that they were no longer carrying Vitamix blenders but I had two choices - They could either order me one or I could go to another store to pick one up if they still had one on the shelf. Apparently the Vitamix that my fiancé had purchased was the last one that they had in stock at this particular store.

Prior to finding this information out I was in the blender aisle looking for a Vitamix when a sales rep came over to help me out. In conversation she mentioned the above information and that BB&B were no longer carrying the Vitamix and they would only be selling Blendtec's. She went on to share that Blendtec's had many more options and blenders to choose from so I of course became intrigued. While I was in the store I googled a few reviews (I'm a review junky) and asked the girl who was helping me what her opinion was. She was all for Blendtec, as were a few other employees that stopped by to talk to me so I gave it a go! I'm all for change and trying new things at the drop of a hat but I called my love to make sure that he was okay with my decision seeing as he had purchased the blender for me. Because I had my heart set on a Vitamix for over a year before he purchased one for me, he was a little bit hard to convince when I told him that the Blendtec would be the way to go, but he of course gave me the freedom to make the choice to switch.
And besides, this was the perfect opportunity to try both machines seeing as the Manager of BB&B advised me that if I wasn't satisfied with the Blendtec I could take it back (with the receipt) and they would track a Vitamix down for me. They have such an amazing customer service team and return policy.
I made the switch and am I ever glad that I did!! Blentech opened up a whole new world of wonderful for me!! Don't get me wrong, the Vitamix is and amazing machine but the world of Blendtec is true heaven. I've had quite a few people ask which I prefer better so below I have listed some of the pro's and con's that I have opinionated from using both machines.
The Top 6 Pro's of the Vitamix Professional Series 750:
1. It blends smoothies into the smoothest, silkiest and creamiest drinks you could ever imagine.
2. It comes with a tamper for all of those hard to blend foods (like frozen banana's which I blend a lot of).
3. The plastic lid is easily removed by turning to the left or the right.
4. It runs fairly quiet and has an extremely strong motor.
5. The blender comes with a DVD a book and a beautiful binder packed full of recipes.
6. The jug is quite a bit stronger than the Blendtech jug.

The Top 9 Pro's of the Blendtec Designer 725
1. The Blendtec Designer 725 has a 3.4 peak horsepower motor.
2. The base includes a brightly illuminated touch interface that allows you to blend manually or specifically by the press of one button. For example, if you want to make a smoothie you press the smoothie button, it blends and stops automatically when done.
3. There are only two blades inside of the machine which allows for super easy cleaning and they are dull so you will not cut yourself while cleaning your blender.
4. The WideSide jar makes tampering very easy with a spatula or wooden spoon.
5. Blending so quickly allows a greater amount of nutrients to stay in the food that you are working with.
6. I find that the blending in the Blendtec is much faster than the Vitamix and my smoothies always come out much smoother than the Vitamix smoothies did.
7. The Blendtec comes with an 8 year warranty.
8. The Blendtec Designer is approximately $80 cheaper than the Vitamix Pro.
9. The jug can sit on top of the base neatly underneath my kitchen cabinets.
The Top 6 Con's of the Vitamix Professional Series 750:
1. All of the blending is done manually which can be frustrating if you are unsure of how to blend properly. Over blending can heat the food that you are blending which in turn removes a great deal of nutrients from it.
2. There blades inside of the jar are very sharp so you have to be extremely careful if washing by hand.
3. The jar is very narrow which can be a pain when blending certain foods causing them to get stuck under the blades.
4. The Vitamix comes with a 7 year warranty.
5. I have raised kitchen cabinets in my home and the Vitamix would not fit underneath my cabinets while the jar was stacked on top of the base. I like to leave my blender on my counter for convenience but I had to place the jug on the counter beside the base in order to make it fit.
6. The Vitamix Pro comes with a 2.2-peak Horsepower motor.
The Top 4 Con's of the Blendtec Designer 725:
1. This blender is quite a bit louder than the Vitamix.
2. It doesn't come with a tamper so be sure to purchase soft spatulas or wooden spoons.
3. The gripper lid can be frustrating as it takes a bit of effort to push it on and the clear plastic vented lid that can be removed has four flimsy, square arms on it that I am always concerned I am going to break.
4. Unfortunately the Blendtec doesn't come with a binder full of recipes and information.
While the Vitamix is a great machine, you can see that the Blendtec has definitely won my heart. I use it at least two times every single day and I can't imagine being without it.
I wish you lots of luck if you decide to venture into the world of blending and I am sure that which ever blender you choose will be the correct blender for you!
You can check out my Food. Just Food. page for some healthy blender eats and enjoy the
recipes of which I have created.
Much Love,