Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hearty Quinoa Salad

Quinoa - Pronounced "Keen-Wah" is native to South America and was considered the "Gold of the Inca's"; eaten by Warriors to increase their stamina. Although people consider it a grain, it's actually a seed that is relative to the spinach family. When it is cooked, Quinoa has is very fluffy, has a slight crunch (almost like caviar) and a light nutty flavour. Not only is Quinoa delicious but it is packed full of Protein, Magnesium, Fiber and Maganese and Copper (minerals that act as antioxidants in your body). I'm not a nutritionist, but you can trust when I say that Quinoa is a health food champ.

Quinoa is a major staple in our home so in this post I am going to explain how to cook Quinoa and will be sharing our favourite salad recipe with you.

To begin with, you can purchase Quinoa at in any health section of any grocer. I purchase mine at the Bulk Barn because I find that buying it in bulk is much cheaper than purchasing it from the grocery store, but where you purchase it is entirely up to you.

Some say that you should soak for up to 8 hours before cooking but the Quinoa that is purchased in North America doesn't generally require soaking. I just rinse mine thoroughly through a strainer and cook immediately.

To Cook:

1 Cup of Quinoa

1 1/2 Cups of Water

Note: Double the batch by using 2 cups of Quinoa to 3 cups of water.

After rinsing, place the Quinoa in a large pot (lid off) and bring to a boil on high heat. Once boiling, stir, put a tight fitting lid on the pot and turn the heat down to low. Let simmer for about 15 minutes until all of the water is gone and you see little dimples on the top of the Quinoa much like you do when you cook rice. Remove from heat, fluff with a spoon and voila! It's that simple.

Hearty Quinoa Salad:

1 double batch of Quinoa (2 cups Quinoa to 3 cups water)
1 Can of Black Beans
2 Cups of Frozen Corn
2 Cups of Cherry Tomatoes
2 Limes
5 or 6 Green Onions (long stem)
1 Avocado
Cilantro to taste
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Sea Salt and Fresh Black Pepper (if you wish)

Place the Quinoa into a large bowl. Rinse and drain the Black Beans thoroughly and add to Quinoa.
Microwave the Corn for 1 minute (I cook mine for 1:11 mins because I am OCD like that) and place into bowl with Quinoa and Beans. Cut Cherry Tomatoes into quarters, slice Green Onions, dice Avocado and add to bowl. Chop as much Cilantro as you wish to use and add to bowl as well. Squeeze in the juice of two limes (or 1 lime if you prefer) and drizzle some EVOO over top. Mix well and serve.

This batch is going to make a helluvalot of salad but it will last you a few days in your fridge in an air tight container and is perfect for snacks, lunches, and dinner side dishes. Ours never goes to waste!

Again, super simple and delicious! C'est Bon!

Do you have a favourite Quinoa recipe that you could share?


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gain That Indomitable Will!

I didn't plan on writing this post at all especially right now given that I am in the middle of making quinoa salad but I wanted to share something with all of you.

If you know me personally, you know that I have been working out regularly; solo and with a personal trainer. I haven't drank any soda or juice since December 7th. I eat extremely healthy (although I had like, 12 french fries [because I refuse to deny myself of something if I want it] on Friday that made me really sick to my stomach; assumed from the grease since I do not eat any greasy foods). And I'm on a total fitness kick.

Since I started working out in January the only thing that I have gained is energy, strength, better sleeping habits, better eating habits and a whole lot of will power.

I have lost two things (in the absolute following order):

1. That guilty feeling.

2. Pounds.

The guilty feeling is no longer because I'm taking my butt to the gym and hitting the cardio and weight machines. I really hate cardio (a lot) but that's just too bad. I hate feeling guilty much more than I hate cardio. Once I'm done my work out, my body feels amazing and I can carry on with my day or evening knowing that I did my body good. Although cardio and I are enemies; weight training is my BFF. I have never weight trained before until this year, never thought that I would and definitely never thought that I would say that I love it. The last thing that I want to be is muscular (only toned) but training is a ridiculous amount of fun!!

Even when you don't want to work out and would rather sit down on your computer, watching a movie or even reading a book - Go work it out. I know way too many women who want to get fit and talk about it constantly but don't go out to do it. I was one of those women. Notice the past tense?

Maybe you don't want to lose weight, you just want to tone. Maybe you just want more energy. Is it that you do want to shed some inches? Or push your body into a healthier state? Whatever your goal, whatever your wish, put the negative aside that is stopping you and get to it.

No one can help you do it. Sure, people can support you and work with you but you are the only person that can achieve it.

Gain the willpower to change your habits. Gain control over your thoughts. Gain the confidence in yourself.

I have decided that my goal for the Month of March will be to work out every single day and lose 11 more pounds. Why don't you set a goal for yourself and join me?

You can do it if you really want it and, girl, you know you want it.

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." 
 Mahatma Gandhi
